Latest edition : 08 February 2018
When a young man took the plunge despite everything, his friends hoisted him up on a pole to carry him in triumph around the fountain to the sounds of fifes and drums.
Since then, every man who has just married in the year, or who has just celebrated a silver, gold or more wedding anniversary, is invited to participate in this feat. On Shrove Tuesday, meet in front of the town hall around the fountain.
You have to be on time so as not to miss anything from the show - and above all try to catch the pretzels, sausages, cakes and other sweets generously distributed by the bride and groom balanced on a pole carried by young men, the "companions of the married".
Other emblematic figures of the fastnacht in Sigmaringen accompany them, such as the castle madman and the bats.
In the afternoon, a large parade followed by a very lively afternoon in the large party hall. At 7 p.m., the carnival is burned in the market square.
Everywhere in Germany, at midnight, every madman takes off his mask ... tired, the carnival season is over ...